EURO2024 – Green initiatives overshadowed by promotion of big polluters

The organisers of EURO2024 have taken steps to mitigate carbon pollution but should be doing more to reduce its impact given the threat posed to football by extreme weather and the climate crisis. This briefing lays out what the tournament is doing well, while also explaining how these initiatives are undercut by other choices, especially the promotion of big polluting sponsors. It calls on organisers to ensure that the huge platform provided by the tournament is used to accelerate the shift away from fossil fuels.

A tournament fit for 2024 and beyond must:

  • Normalise significant efforts to limit climate impact as much as possible as part of every football tournament.

  • Ensure the tournament’s massive platform drives the move away from fossil fuels

    • By banning polluting, fossil-fuel dependent sponsors

    • Communicating the climate crisis to drive change


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