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Freddie Daley Freddie Daley

Saints at home, sinners away.

Sport is full of teams that cannot reproduce their unbeatable home form when they are playing away. So is banking.

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Freddie Daley Freddie Daley

The Climate-Changing Olympics

Climate change is impacting the performance of athletes at the Paris Games and it’s causing problems for spectators and organisers too. 

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andrew simms andrew simms

Urgent manifesto for sport leaders

Sport could showcase what a green transition looks like, reimagined with qualities of health, joy and fairness, tackling hard issues like pollution from travel and greenwash from sponsors.

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andrew simms andrew simms

Sporting Tales: new book rethinks sport

As summer rolls on, major polluters continue to use international and beloved sports as billboards to promote themselves. From The Euros (sponsored by Qatar) and the Tour de France (sponsored by Ineos), to international cricket (Saudi Aramco) and the Olympics (Air France, Toyota, Accelor Mittal), this greenwashing is everywhere.

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Per Tornberg Per Tornberg

Sport – the story maker

Sport is a story machine. As seasons, years and careers roll by, sport constantly resets. With every refresh a new story cycle begins. We devour rivalries, the twists of an athlete’s career, the troubled relationships between managers, coaches, players, teams, supporters and even the reporters who feed us the stories.

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Per Tornberg Per Tornberg

Sport local – a vision for 2030

In 2030 we’ll either be fully engaged in positive transformative adaptation or we’ll have missed the narrow window of opportunity to secure a liveable world. If we messed up, then we would be managing the effects of our crazy climate causing the collapse of our food and fresh water systems, our ecological and our social systems. My heart aches at the thought so I switch my focus.

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Per Tornberg Per Tornberg

A climate contradiction at the heart of the Paris Games

The Olympic and Paralympic Games are the pinnacle of global sports, boasting a history that dates back to 776 BC. Over the centuries, the Games have endured natural disasters, cultural shifts, and even genocidal regimes. Now, however, their future is under threat from an unprecedented challenge: the climate crisis.

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