One Ball, One World

Spirit of Football e.V. (SoF) conducts workshops in the educational project One Ball, One World - Football for Climate Action to make people aware of the existing and real dangers of climate change and to showcase existing climate protection measures in football and beyond. Above all, it is about inspiring young people in schools and elsewhere and supporting them in developing concrete, locally relevant strategies for climate protection. This happens through participative, team-oriented and creative methods that emphasize the joy of working together.

The linking of the complex topic of climate change with football, which inspires many people worldwide, offers the opportunity to convey the topic in a more tangible way. It allows people to relate to it personally, emotionally and locally. This reference increases acceptance and thus also the probability of more climate-friendly behavior and structural changes.

The following considerations play a role in the SoF workshops:

  • What are the 17 sustainability goals (SDGs - Sustainable Development Goals)?

  • Which global contexts are related to one's own everyday life?

  • Which measures with a positive influence on fellow human beings and the

  • environment are possible both on an individual and on a collective level?

  • What are the challenges facing us and how can they be overcome together?

  • How can I build a personal connection to climate change by linking it to football

  • and other things I am passionate about?

  • How can I inform myself about individual and collective climate protection

  • measures as part of a meaningful and effective action group in society?


The Snow Thieves


COP26 ‘Dear Leaders of the World’